Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Jackson, Tennessee


Oklahoma was pretty. :D

And we passed by Henrietta! I took lots of pictures.

Now we're in some horrible Hotel in Jackson, Tennessee. Bleh.

But we had to stop here, because of the flooding. Turns out everything from Memphis to Nashville was effected. The people here are really nice, and have all banded together to help with the problems. Tonight we saw a police man help a Dyslexic man into a hotel room because he left Mississippi without his wife's knowing. So, he's being cared for until she can come down in the morning.

To me, that's not a act of kindness, it's what all people should automatically do.

We'll probably get halfway through North Carolina tomorrow, and stay in a hotel until we can get to our house.

Saw lots of funny signs today, Such as:
  • Toadsuck Park
  • Lotsawata Road, rright next to the river
  • Fort Pillow
:D We had fun with that!

I'd post more, but I'm tired, and want to get to bed.

Good Night, ;)


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