Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Whatever today is, I lost track


Today I went to a "Owls Of Hogwarts" Presentation by this guy I know who runs a Raptor rescue.
It had very little to do with Hogwarts.
But That's ok.
I got to see screech owls!
They're my Fav.
What's yours?
Mom likes them all.

What toy from your childhood do you still have in your possession?

My baby Blanket.
I loved it to shreds.
It's awesome.
But right now, It's safe in a box with my baby memorabilia.
Sometimes, I miss it.
Do you ever miss the things that comforted you as a child?
I bet you do.
What was it that gave you a sense of safety?
What protected you from the monsters under the bed?
How long has it been since you felt that safe?
In the arms of a loved one, maybe?
Or possibly on a holiday?

Answer me honestly.
If you don't wish to do so here, send it to me here:
I'll reply.
But only if you want me to.


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