Monday, June 7, 2010

One can only hope...


How are you? Me? Oh, I'm good, I suppose.
I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I meant to, really. But, I was too lazy, I guess. But! I'm posting now, so it does not really matter. :D

So, to the point.

Back in AZ, I used to be in Rainbow. I quit though, because the entire adult hierarchy was really screwed up. The adults didn't trust us to do anything for ourselves.

But now, in a different state, I'm going to try it again. I really enjoyed being Drill Leader, and dressing up, and memorizing the ritual. So, I'm going to go to meeting tonight, and HOPE TO EVERY DEITY I KNOW that its different out here.

Hey, at least I get to wear my favorite short dress. ^-^


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