Sorry it's been a while since I last posted, we've been pretty busy.
When we first got here, we were welcomed warmly. Everyone is VERY happy to have us back. All our neighbors, and our friends. It so wonderful to be home!
They helped us unload the truck, and we're now trying to settle in. Panda, and her new (ADORABLE) baby boy Benjamin have been over here almost every day. She's helping me catch up on my hooping and Poi skills. So, YAY! Ben is really adorable, and he's only a month and a half. I love baby's. :D She helped us move stuff around, too, so that's good. Today we went over and saw her new town house, it's really nice! She also gave me a whole bunch of Manga to read, so I'm happy. We're also going to borrow Anime once our DVD player is set up.
Also, a big thanks to Mag for coming over and helping us settle in some on Monday!
When the cable guy came, I got a DVR for my room, so I'm super happy. XD I can finally record as much stuff as I want without Dadinator grumping at me. I also get some On Demand channels, so that's AWESOME!
Oh, quick note, Dadinator tried to quit smoking, and was so grumpy, he just went out and bought a pack. That didn't last very long. But I really hate it when the go through that RAGH! phase. :l
SUPER GOOD NEWS ALERT! I'm going to one of the biggest Anime conventions in the WORLD! WOOT! I've wanted to go to Animazement for a while now, and almost went before we moved, but never made it. This year, I finally get to go! XD I'm going on Saturday, so this should be fun. I'M SO EXCITED! I designed my own Lolita costume, and I'm psyched up to make it. I'll post pics when it's done, so don't fret. I also hope I'll get to make the uniform from Love Monster, and wear elf ears, but I don't know if I'm going to do that yet. >.<

Hm... It's really weird. I always get motivated to do stuff, i.e. post, clean, organize..., at night. Maybe it just means I'm a night owl, in the literal sence of the word. Oh well, it just makes my life more interesting. And explains why I don't like bright light. I'd take an overcast gloomy week over a bright sunny day any time. Not that sun is bad, it's great! But only in small doses... O.o
I climbed a tree today! My first real climb in a looong time. It was fun! It was a pine tree, too, so that made it even more interesting. I've never climbed one of those before today, so it was a new challenge. I got as high as I could before I ran out of strong limbs. :D The funny part is that I'm clumsy on the ground, but fine in trees. :) Oh well, that just gives me a reason to climb them more!
Quick note, as she just reminded me. Yesterday was Tink's birthday! Happy 8th Birthday Kitteh! I loveh youes! =^ - ^=

Kay, it's late, and I'm thirsty, so...
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