Friday, April 2, 2010

Can we have our holiday back?

Happy Easter, everyone!

I'm sure that many of you did not know, that this holiday was stolen (in a way)?

It's true! Many centuries before it became known as Easter, it was being celebrated as the fertility of the earth being renewed each springtime. Many of the symbols you familiarize with Easter are actually symbols of fertility; The rabbit, eggs, chicks... Even the name was stolen! It was taken from the Goddess of Spring, Ishtar, or, as she is sometimes known Eastre, or any of her other names.

Have you ever heard of a May Pole? Wonderful things. They too, were a symbol of fertility, and used to coax in spring, and healthy crops. A tree was cut down, and brought to the town square. It was then decorated with flowers, and the traditional ribbon dance was done. I can speak from experience: this is a lot of fun, but can be quite confusing if the ribbons get tangled. In the end, you will have a wonderfully decorated pole, that you helped create. When I did one with my (Pagan!) Church, it came out really nice. (I'd post a picture, but I couldn't find a good one. D:)

I hope you found this enlightening, and interesting to know that many of the Christian Holidays were derived from Pagan celebrations because they were rooted too deeply to be pulled out entirely. I'll tell you more about this later, when the holiday gets closer.

There are lots of fun things to do on Easter, but I think getting to bite the head off of a chocolate bunny is one of the best parts!

Hope your basket is filled with awesomeness!

Lots of Love

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